Newsletter 2009 - Volume VIII - No. 12.

Nineteenth Century Canada - The Genuine Trade Tokens, by John Roberts-Lewis 5
Annual General Meeting and Club Cheese and Wine Party 15
The Future of Clubs - Meetings for Fools or Internet Enlightenment, by Anthony Gilbert 16
A Fool Comes to Rome, by Philip Rueff 24
Members’ Own Evening 30
The East India Company in India during the 17th and 18th Centuries by John Roberts-Lewis 41
17th Century Tokens: Collecting by Feature Rather than by County, by David Powell 49
The Story of the SS Great Britain: Its Tokens and Medallions, by John Roberts-Lewis 58
The Modern Olympics - The British Connection, and Modern Olympic Medals, by Francis Simmons 65
Hungry Heptillionaires - The Hungarian Hyperinflation of 1945/6, by Ron Haller-Williams 79
An Innocent Abroad, by Graham Dyer, OBE 82
CLUB AUCTION RESULTS, by Anthony Gilbert 84
Early Anglo-Saxon Coin. Gareth Williams (reviewed by John Roberts-Lewis)
Renaissance Medals. Graham Pollard (reviewed by Anthony Gilbert)
The Hibernia Coinage of William Wood (1722-1724). Sidney F. Martin (reviewed by Anthony Gilbert  
Royal Commemorative Medals 1837-1977. Volume 1: Queen Victoria 1837-1901, excluding the Jubilees of 1887 and 1897. Andrew Whittlestone and Michael Ewing (reviewed by Anthony Gilbert)  
Jetons, Medalets and Tokens. Volume 4. British Isles from circa 1830. Michael Mitchiner (reviewed by Anthony Gilbert)  
Designing Change. The Art of Coin Design. Edited by Kevin Clancy. (reviewed by Anthony Gilbert)  

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